Going overboard lands me in a wet mess. While it feels like I’m getting a lot accomplished, it comes at the cost of neglecting other things life. So I have to ask myself “is it worth it?” Since we all tend to do the things we love, most of the time what I am focusing on is “worth it”, but sometimes self doubt shows up and I take this as a cue to check myself. Here are some ways I find balance in my daily life.


I use the 50/20/30 rule to make sure my spending has balance. This helps me gauge where I should be and when to say “not today”. Balanced.


Life Goals vs Career Goals – I try to identify what I want out of my personal and professional life and if I become indecisive I visually map out my goals with sticky notes. Eh, this may seem a little overboard, but it helps me place thoughts outside my head and onto a wall. They need to live somewhere! Mostly balanced.


I 100% grew up the biggest couch potato and this lasted till my late 20s (not balanced). It took me years to break this habit and introduce new habits gradually overtime. Mapping out small changes and focusing on that one change before introducing a new one helped me stay on track. Knowing what fuels my inner drive helped me understand which path to go down. I read The Four Tendencies which called out “givers” (that’s me) get motivated by group exercise. This pushed me to join the Y and get out of my comfort zone. Now I like to get moving and sometimes have secret lazy days. Balanced.

Healthy sleep allows me to build my foundation to stay balanced.

These are some ways I like to check myself to keep life balanced. Feel free to share if you do something similar.